Weight-cut part 2 – the last week

So it’s the last week and I would be lying if I didn’t say I’m thinking about food every 5 minutes, ok every 30 seconds! But it has been much more manageable than before and my weight is still going down, so it’s all good! I’ve been at work all week and while I might have been colder than usual in the office (and looking highly fashionable in a big fleece – not) and been a bit more tired than usual when it got to end of the day, I’ve felt really good. I also look a whole lot healthier than I did on my last cut. Oh and having only one limb covered in rock tape is good going for me, so that’s nothing to worry about!

guns abs

This weekend I’ve not been training so the diet has got a bit stricter, which has been harder. But it’s probably because I also have a whole load of delicious food in the house in prep for packing it all to take it to Italy with me. I had to very quickly pack away and hide the big box of dates!!

So here is what I’ve been up to over the past week, thanks to the guidance from my amazing nutritionalist Sylvia Sobota at Nurture your Body:

NYB card

Nutrition/training Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Weight first thing 59.0kg 58.2kg 57.9kg 57.6kg 58.0kg 57.3kg  56.7kg
Pre training N/A Water & juice Water & juice N/A Water & juice N/A N/A
AM session Rest Easy 3 mile run Kettlebells and patterns Rest Easy 3 mile run Rest Rest
Post training/Breakfast Water & juice Green smoothie Green smoothie Water & juice Green smoothie Juice Juice
Mid-morning snack 2 apples 2 apples 2 apples 2 apples 2 apples 1 apple 1 apple
Lunch Raw veg & ½ cup quinoa Raw veg & ½ cup quinoa Raw veg & ½ cup quinoa Raw veg & ½ cup quinoa Chia seed pudding ¼ cup porridge, 1tsp vegan protein powder & cacao nibs Juice
Mid-afternoon snack 2 x brazil nuts 2 x brazil nuts 2 x brazil nuts 2 x brazil nuts 2 x brazil nuts 1 x brazil nut 1 apple
Pre training Green smoothie ½ cup porridge Chia seed pudding Chia seed pudding Large handful goji berries N/A N/A
PM session 30 min PT pad and ladder drills TKD fitness session (2hrs) 30 min PT pad and ladder drills TKD pattern (1hr) Nurture your Body physio and balancing session Rest Rest
Post training/Dinner Chia seed pudding Juice Juice Juice Sweet potato with salt Green smoothie (banana swapped for small handful of blueberries) Juice
Water 4l 4l 4l 4l 4l 4l 4l
Tea 2 x green and lots of herbal 2 x green and lots of herbal 2 x green and lots of herbal 2 x green and lots of herbal 2 x green and lots of herbal 2 x green and lots of herbal 2 x green and lots of herbal

My instagram (@plantbasedmartialartist) followers have had daily updates of my nutrition, including my juices and lemon and cucumber water:

juice and water

My raw veg & quinoa lunches:

raw veg raw veg and quinoa

And my green teas (love the minty hit of these ones):

green tea

Now with just two days left, I may be according to my scales this morning on weight. However I don’t want to risk anything, as if I don’t have to a water cut (hot bath/sauna) in Italy that’s really good news! So the plan for Monday morning is to have:

  • Large glass of water
  • Bowl of fruit (mix of an apple, mango and kiwi)
  • Green tea

You might be wondering why I’m not just having a juice? But it’s for the precise reason why I haven’t had just juice for any day. I want to keep chewing on food to ensure my body doesn’t go into cleanse mode (as it does when you go on a juice/water cleanse). As I need to consider the refuelling side of this weight cut also. After this breakfast I won’t have any food or water until I weigh in, in Italy about 24hrs later. So by keeping solid food into my more restricted diet, when I’ve weighed in my body will be happier having real food again. As even on Friday evening when I had the sweet potato my stomach made a lot of funny gurgling noises as it had that type of food in a while!

So you might now be asking what I will be feasting on after weighing in?! Well I’ll be showing restraint to keep my stomach happy and start off getting the water back in with electrolytes added. Then lots of fruit and for dinner quinoa (which I’ve packed so many packets of) and hopefully veg and a potato for dinner (depending on what the hotel can provide).

I’ll try to let you know the results of the weigh in and how good the food and water tastes once I get off the scales!

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